I have been really sick for a week and a half now. The baby is fine, but I'm not. One day I'm ok and the next I cant keep food in my stomach and I have absolutely no energy. The doctor thought it was my gallbladder, but we did a sonogram and it was fine. I have tried everything; peppermint, licorice, ginger root, carrot juice, and pepto blismal. I go again to the doctor on Thursday, so maybe she can shed some more light on this.
For curiosity's sake I have 2 questions for those who read this. 1. To circumcise or not circumcise? We already have our mind set on what we want to do, but just wondering. and 2. To immunize our baby or not to immunize?
Congrats to Coren and the Clines' family. They had the baby Tuesday at 4:55. Robert Oscar Clines. I think he was like 8 lbs 12 oz or something like that. So we cant wait to see him, and hope Coren recovers quickly.
This past week Zach and Codi came down with Xander, so it was great to see them. He is growing to fast. We went to the farm with Chase and his girlfriend Amy and it was fun, well for them, I was trying to get better and was for a day. But Elliott put on a show for us and I am dying to put the picture up, but he will kill me if I do. But lets just say, he would be an ugly girl!!
Did Elliott dress up like a girl? You have to put those pictures up? What made him do that? Was he just trying to do that to get your mind off of the pain, or was he doing that because he got bored? Those actions should be kept to boys under the age of 9 and to drunk football fans only, or Halloween. Just joking, but I would love to see the pictures.
Oh I have so much to say. Both of those are very controverisal (sp?)subjects. I say curcumcise but that's b/c I've grown up fully expecting to. Now vaccinations...there has been so much about that causing autisim, etc in the news lately. They say there is no link but my personal opinion is they haven't done ENOUGH research on that to make that claim. With that being said, we did vaccinate Douglas. My next child will be different (they'll get vaccinated but not the same time table.) A good book is "What your doctor may not tell you about Children's vaccinations" by Stephanie Cave. She's not anti vaccinations, mainly a different timetable. Anyways, hope that helps. You're going to get lots of opinions.
I bought that book at Barnes and Noble for $6.
I say circumcise. I know I don't have boys but if I ever do I plan on it. Maybe this is TMI but Anthony had a companion on his mission who wasn't and apparently he had infections all the time. My understanding is that when you are it is easier to clean and when you aren't you have to really be careful or you'll get infections like this poor guy did. And as far as immunizations - I say immunize. We talked to Isabella's pediatrician when she was an infant and after we talked about it in length he said that with all the information out there if he had an infant now (his children were all 8 and older) he would immunize. But it is obviously a personal decision. At the same time I have a cousin with 2 sons with autism. She has a 3rd younger son and her doctor has told her since it seems to be genetic with them they will immunize everything but skip the MMR. The MMR is the one that is thought to possible trigger the hormone that causes Autism, but of course the hormone has to be there in the first place for it to be triggered. That is why since the hormone has been there in her first 2 kids they're choosing NOT to give the MMR, but have given everything else.
I just came back to see what others said and had 1 more thought. I want my kids to be protected against the mumps, measles and rubella (what the MMR shot is for) but it's so controversial. I met a doctor in Allen that said there office has ordered those shots separate from the county. So if that's what you want when you are interviewing pediatricians, ask if they'll do that. Call your county health office and see if they will. That way you can give those shots separtely and spread them out. That's what I plan on doing w/ Douglas when he turns one. The book I mentioned suggested ages for giving those shots seperately. Just a thought.
Hope you are getting out of the hospital today....I will call later. So sorry you are feeling so bad.
I say get him circumcised! The dr.'s say that by the time our boys are in high school it'll be 50/50 in the locker room. But it just looks more normal to have it done...in my opinion.
Anyways, I say vaccinate. Chris and I don't think it's worth the risk of getting diseases if you choose not to vaccinate. There haven't been any studies that Chris knows of that conclude what the cause of it is. I don't think it's worth the risk. I would rely on the advice of your pediatrician.
Hey! It is soo great to see how you and your family are doing! Looks like you had a ton of fun in Vegas! You look so cute pregnant! I can't believe August is so close! It was good to hear from you too!
I totally agree with mindy! ps i am going to call and make sure you are doing well!! so sorry you have been so sick : (
Sorry about giardi, that is NO fun, especially when you're prego! We weren't sure whether to circ either but there is really no medical reason to do it, it's just an old tradition and we decided there was no reason to do unnecessary surgery. As far as immunization- YES. The facts speak for themselves, our country has virtually eliminated diseases that use to kill tens of thousands, you have such a small chance of having any side effects (much greater chance of getting killed in a car accident) but a 90+% chance of being protected from the disease. Herd immunity is a false idea especially with so many illegals and people traveling here from 3rd world countries bringing diseases with them. My opinion is you can't afford not to immunize. The idea that autism or other things happen from immunization is like saying that cotton gave your kid autism because he slept on cotton sheets or wore a cotton outfit shortly before you noticed autism. There's no link other than they happen to immunize about the same time that autism becomes apparent. Sorry, I just have a weirdo friend right now who's anti immunization and thinks that sunscreen will give her kids cancer, milk is bad for you because it's pasteurized and the whole medical field is a conspiracy to make you sick so they can take your money. ANYWAY, those are my opinions! Good luck it should be soon!!!
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