I have been really sick for a week and a half now. The baby is fine, but I'm not. One day I'm ok and the next I cant keep food in my stomach and I have absolutely no energy. The doctor thought it was my gallbladder, but we did a sonogram and it was fine. I have tried everything; peppermint, licorice, ginger root, carrot juice, and pepto blismal. I go again to the doctor on Thursday, so maybe she can shed some more light on this.
For curiosity's sake I have 2 questions for those who read this. 1. To circumcise or not circumcise? We already have our mind set on what we want to do, but just wondering. and 2. To immunize our baby or not to immunize?
Congrats to Coren and the Clines' family. They had the baby Tuesday at 4:55. Robert Oscar Clines. I think he was like 8 lbs 12 oz or something like that. So we cant wait to see him, and hope Coren recovers quickly.
This past week Zach and Codi came down with Xander, so it was great to see them. He is growing to fast. We went to the farm with Chase and his girlfriend Amy and it was fun, well for them, I was trying to get better and was for a day. But Elliott put on a show for us and I am dying to put the picture up, but he will kill me if I do. But lets just say, he would be an ugly girl!!