Sunday, December 12, 2010


I finally updated the profile picture. It was taken with a great camera at work's Christmas party. We all finally look pretty good.
I'm 22 weeks pregnant now and feeling good. I love feeling the baby kick. Its all just such a miracle. I went on Thursday to get my pregnancy verified for Medicaid and went for free at this Christian clinic. They are mostly there for women who are scared and don't know what to do with the baby they weren't planing on. So she had to ask me all sorts of questions to make sure I was ok. I was able to see and hold a rubber baby that is actual size and weight of the baby right now. It just really touched me how having a baby is truly a miracle and how much Heavenly Father has played in our lives. The lady was so sweet and as I was about to leave, she said a prayer for me, the baby and our family. The blessings she asked for just made me cry. I'm truly grateful for my blessings.

Papa and Cole were playing and papa said something about how he couldn't play to hard because "Papa is old". And my cute Cole said, "Coley is new". We all thought that was so funny.

On a side note, I cant wait for my siblings to come home for Christmas. Just wish we could see Whitney too.

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